7/13/17 Annotation: Going Beyond the Bachelor’s: Why Police Officer Education is So Important

In “Going Beyond the Bachelor’s: Why Police Officer Education is So Important” University of San Diego explains why it is important to be an educated police officer with a degree. First off it might become a requirement as in 2014 president Obama announced that it may be a requirement to have a college degree to become a police officer. Although it is not needed, most departments are starting to require at the minimum a community college degree to apply to become a police officer. It is very important as a police officer you are highly reliable for all your actions, and yes police officers do get training in the departments but it does not cover everything. This can be very helpful as it shows departments your commitment to the job, that you focused in college to become a police officer. Third, new technology comes out every year, and more technical aspects are now in departments like bodycams and biometrics used in departments. Fourth, law enforcement want people with leadership skills and experience out in the field to know how to handle people and when to do so. An uneducated and inexperienced police officer can be a huge reliability that can possibility get the department sued. Finally, most criminal justice system training programs are out of date, and don’t give the whole jiff of what it’s really like to become a police officer. These are the main reasons why education in law enforcement is so important present day.

Source: https://onlinedegrees.sandiego.edu/why-police-officer-education-is-important/


(Cj gave me the same source for this annotation too so i would basically be annotating the same thing over again, email me if i would be screwing myself)

Source 2 : Cops and College

In “Cops and College” Michael Wasilewski and Althea Olson explain the importance of college education and how it should be requires now a days because as modern society develops, there are new gadgets and tools police officers must know how to use properly. Then there are ways to talk citizens now because the community is continuously growing with new laws and religions going on, so say a few words or actions can possibility get the department sued. Before just a few decades ago, police departments barely even required a high school diploma, now in the modern day, all departments require a high school diploma and even some sort of college education, like having an Associates Degree and a few departments require a bachelors degree. It’s becoming more and more common for young officers to be hired with a bachelors degree and even higher special degrees that will boost their pay and ability to be hired. Special degrees can help young officers into investigations, detectives, drug cartel and many more options in law enforcement and maybe even chief of police in the future. As the future nears, this might eventually become a requirement as it’s not slowing down. But it’s not hard to receive education or advantages in policing. There are several community colleges that prepare and transfer directly into the department. There are several online schools that will further educate too. Students can even start their policing career as early as high school, giving them some experience and what the job is really like. And then after that they will be sent straight to the police academy.

Source: http://www.officer.com/article/12001951/cops-and-college

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